How To Delete Your AWS Account: A Step-by-Step Guide

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a leading cloud computing platform that provides a wide range of services to businesses and individuals. However, there may come a time when you will need to delete your AWS account. Whether it’s due to cost considerations, changes in business needs, or any other reason, deleting your AWS account should be done carefully and responsibly. In this article, we will walk you through the steps to securely delete your AWS account.

How To Delete Your AWS Account?

Deleting your AWS account is an important step, and it’s important to proceed with caution. Before starting, make sure you have fully backed up all necessary data and resources, as the process is irreversible, and all data associated with the account will be lost. Here is a step-by-step guide to deleting your AWS account:

Step 1: Backup Your Data

Before you proceed with deleting your AWS account, it’s crucial to back up any data and resources you want to keep. This may include files stored on Amazon S3, databases on Amazon RDS, and any other critical data. Ensure that you have copies of your important data saved in a secure location before moving on to the next steps.

Step 2: Clear Unused Resources

Review your AWS account and identify any unused or unnecessary resources. This could be idle EC2 instances, unattached EBS volumes, or any other services that are no longer needed. Deleting these unused resources will help reduce your costs and streamline the account deletion process.

Step 3: Cancel Active Subscriptions and Services

Before deleting your AWS account, make sure to cancel any active subscriptions and services. These may include AWS Support plans, Amazon RDS instances, or other paid services. This will prevent any unexpected charges from occurring after the account deletion.

Step 4: Verify Billing and Payment Information

Double-check your billing and payment information to ensure there are no outstanding charges or pending invoices. Pay any outstanding bills to avoid any issues during the account deletion process.

Step 5: Remove IAM Users and Access Keys

If you have multiple IAM users associated with your AWS account, remove them or disable their access keys before proceeding. IAM users with active access keys may continue to access AWS services even after the account is deleted. Removing or disabling their access keys ensures the security of your AWS resources.

Step 6: Delete IAM Policies and Roles

Review and delete any unnecessary IAM policies and roles in your AWS account. These policies and roles may grant elevated permissions to users and resources, so it’s essential to clean them up before deleting the account.

Step 7: Close All Services and Resources

Go through each AWS service and resource to ensure that everything is in order. If you are using Amazon EC2 instances, make sure to terminate them. For databases, take proper backups and delete any unwanted instances. Check other services like S3 buckets, CloudFront distributions, and more to ensure everything is in order.

Step 8: Contact AWS Support (Optional)

If you have any concerns or questions about deleting your AWS account, you can contact AWS Support for assistance. They can provide guidance and answer any queries you may have about the process.

Step 9: Delete Your AWS Account

Once you have completed all the necessary steps, and you are confident that you want to proceed with deleting your AWS account, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the AWS Management Console using the root user credentials.
  2. Open the “Account Settings” page by clicking on your account name in the top right corner of the console.
  3. Scroll down to the “Close Account” section and click on the “Close Account” button.
  4. Follow the on-screen instructions to confirm the account deletion. This may include re-entering your AWS credentials and providing feedback for the reason for account closure.

Important Note

Once the account deletion process is initiated, it cannot be undone. AWS will retain your account data for a limited time, and you will not be able to access or recover any data or resources associated with the account.


Deleting your AWS account should be approached with careful planning and consideration. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can ensure that your data is backed up, resources are properly cleared, and you are fully prepared for account deletion. Remember to double-check your actions and verify that you no longer require the account before proceeding with the deletion process.

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Tim R
Tim R
This is Tim, your friendly neighborhood tech geek. With a passion for all things geeky, I'm here to share the latest tech scoop and unravel the mysteries of the digital world. From gadgets to innovations, I've got you covered with my insightful and down-to-earth articles. So buckle up and get ready to embark on an exciting journey through the ever-evolving realm of technology!

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