How Fast Can You Get a Divorce in Indiana?

Going through a divorce is undoubtedly a challenging time, and understanding the legal processes in Indiana can make a significant difference in how smoothly things progress. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore different ways to obtain a divorce in the state and highlight strategies to speed up the process. From uncontested petitions to summary dissolutions, we’ll delve into each method’s timelines, requirements, and potential challenges.

1. Uncontested Divorce in Indiana

Navigating a divorce is seldom easy, but opting for an uncontested approach in Indiana can provide a smoother path. When both spouses can find common ground on critical aspects of their separation, such as alimony, property division, and child custody, the uncontested route offers a quicker and more amicable resolution.

1.1. What is an Uncontested Petition?

An uncontested petition is a common and relatively straightforward way to seek a divorce in Indiana. This option is ideal when both spouses can agree on crucial matters such as alimony, property division, child custody, and parenting time. The process begins by filing a Petition for Dissolution of Marriage in the relevant county and a filing fee that varies based on the jurisdiction.

1.2. No-Fault vs. Fault-Based Divorce

In Indiana, most couples opt for a no-fault divorce, citing an irretrievable breakdown of the marriage. However, the state also allows for fault-based divorces, adding complexity and potentially extending the process. Fault-based divorces require spouses to prove specific actions of their partner directly led to the marriage’s dissolution.

1.3. How Long Does an Uncontested Divorce Take?

The timeline for an uncontested divorce primarily depends on how efficiently the couple can reach agreements. This process may take as little as three months if both parties promptly settle their terms. Consulting with an experienced family law attorney is crucial for obtaining an accurate estimate tailored to the case’s circumstances.

1.4. Mediation for a Smoother Process

Mediation plays a pivotal role in expediting contested divorces in Indiana. Many counties mandate parties to attend mediation before resorting to court proceedings. Successful negotiation through mediation can significantly save time and money, fostering collaboration and encouraging spouses to find mutually acceptable solutions.

2. Summary Dissolution in Indiana

A summary dissolution in Indiana provides a concise and efficient alternative for those seeking an even swifter divorce process. This streamlined method is especially suitable when both parties agree on all aspects, aiming for a prompt resolution.

2.1. Overview of Summary Dissolution

For an even quicker divorce process, couples in Indiana may consider a summary dissolution. Similar to a legal separation, this option is suitable when both parties agree on all aspects, including property division and alimony. Specific eligibility criteria must be met, including a marriage duration of five years or less, no children under 18, and an agreement not to seek spousal support.

2.2. Filing for Summary Dissolution

Initiating a summary dissolution involves filing a petition for marriage dissolution with the county court, accompanied by a filing fee that varies by jurisdiction. The grounds typically include irretrievable breakdown, with the judge reviewing and approving the paperwork before issuing a final decree. While this option presents a quicker divorce alternative, it can be complex and necessitates the assistance of an experienced lawyer.

2.3. Potential Complications and Legal Assistance

Despite its swiftness, a summary dissolution can be complex, necessitating the guidance of an experienced lawyer. Both spouses must meet with a family law attorney to ensure proper filing and adherence to all necessary steps, preventing errors that could delay the divorce.

2.4. Mediation in Summary Dissolutions

Like uncontested divorces, couples pursuing a summary dissolution can benefit from resolving disputes through mediation. This collaborative approach helps save time and money and reduces the emotional stress associated with divorce. By fostering open communication and compromise, mediation can lead to a more amicable and efficient resolution, ensuring that the divorce is finalized within the shortest possible timeframe.


The speed at which a divorce can be finalized in Indiana depends on various factors, including the level of agreement between spouses and the chosen divorce process. Uncontested divorces and summary dissolutions offer quicker alternatives, while litigated divorces may take considerably longer. Seeking legal advice, attending mediation, and ensuring proper documentation are crucial steps to facilitate a faster divorce process.

Consulting with a knowledgeable Indiana divorce attorney, such as the Rowdy G. Williams Law Firm, can be invaluable for personalized guidance and insights tailored to your situation. Their expertise can help you navigate the intricacies of Indiana divorce law, ensuring that your rights are protected throughout the process. Contact them today to schedule a consultation and confidently navigate your divorce journey. Remember, a well-informed approach and professional assistance can significantly impact the speed and efficiency of your divorce proceedings, allowing you to move forward with the next chapter of your life.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does an uncontested divorce take in Indiana?

The timeline for an uncontested divorce varies but can be as little as three months if both parties efficiently settle their terms. The key is reaching agreements on alimony, property division, and child custody, which can expedite the process.

Can I file for a fault-based divorce in Indiana?

Yes, Indiana allows for fault-based divorces, where specific grounds such as adultery or felony conviction must be proven. However, fault-based divorces generally take longer due to the added complexities of proving fault.

What are the eligibility criteria for a summary dissolution in Indiana?

To qualify for a summary dissolution, the marriage must have lasted five years or less, there should be no children under 18, and both parties must agree not to seek spousal support.

How long does a summary dissolution typically take?

Depending on the circumstances, a summary dissolution in Indiana can be completed in as little as 60 days. However, the complexity of individual cases may vary in this timeframe.

Is mediation mandatory in Indiana divorces?

Many counties in Indiana require parties to attend mediation before resorting to court proceedings. Mediation can significantly expedite the divorce process by facilitating collaborative agreements and reducing the need for lengthy litigation.

Tim R
Tim R
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