Which bird is used as the official mascot to the linux operating system

Which bird is used as the official mascot to the linux operating system? The official mascot of the Linux operating system is a penguin named Tux. Tux is a cartoon character representing a stylized version of a penguin, created by Larry Ewing. The choice of a penguin as the Linux mascot is based on a humorous story shared by Linus Torvalds, the creator of Linux.

According to the story, Linus was bitten by a little penguin at the National Zoo in Canberra, Australia, during a visit. The image of the penguin biting his hand stuck with him, and when he was looking for a mascot for Linux, he decided to use a penguin. The name “Tux” for the mascot is derived from “Tuxedo,” as it represents a well-dressed penguin.

Which bird is used as the official mascot to the linux operating system? Tux has become widely recognized as the symbol of Linux and is often associated with the operating system and its open-source community. You can often find Tux featured in various Linux-related logos, wallpapers, and artwork.

Also Read: What year was the first release of a Linux operating system?

Tim R
Tim R
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